Your Journey to Wellness Starts with Surge-Neuro
Our Complete Rehabilitation Services Include: Neuro Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Clinical Pilates, Speech Language Pathology and Prosthetics
OUR SERVICESExperience the benefits of neuro-focused care
Holistic Treatment Approach
Experienced practitioners
Tailored Recovery Plans
Struggling with Mobility Issues or Falls?
Let's journey together towards a healthier, "balanced" life.
Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to understanding your balance needs. Wherther chronic pain is causing mobility issue or maybe your balance is not what it used to be, our team of experts will work through your physical issues to find solutions. Our therapists use sensorimotor re-training to optimizes the interaction of the sensory and motor system to improve motor control and therefore balance. While general balance training is useful, (maintenance of postural control on an unstable surface or position), it does not get to the bottom of why you may be falling or have mobility issues. Our team is trained to take balance a step further by analysing specifics postural control issues through the understanding how the motor system and the sensory sytem work together. With our clinic conveniently located in North Vancouver, BC, achieving a more active, fulfilling life is just a step away
Neurological injuries and how this team can help!
This team is carefully tailored to help all aspects of neuro injuries
Whether you have a stroke causing motor, speech or cognitive deficits, a peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain or in need of a splint or prosthesis, this team is trained to help you on your journey. We work together as an interdisiplinary team to allow you to have the best results by accomplishing your own personal goals.
Revive your life with Surge Neuro Physio's care

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